My Published Books

Diet & Lifestyle

Ghostwriter: New York Times bestselling diet book for a major publishing house. 1996. New York Times bestseller. Translated into 11 languages. Literary Guild, Doubleday, and Rodale Book Club selections. Excerpted in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Hardbound and paperback editions.
Ghostwriter: Book about core exercise and movement for a major publishing house. 2009.
lessthancrazy Less Than Crazy: Living Fully With Bipolar II. New York: De Capo Press. November 2008.
spark-book2 The Spark: The Revolutionary 3 Week Fitness Plan That Changes Everything You Know About Exercise, Weight Control, and Health. Co-author with Dr. Glenn Gaesser. New York: Simon & Schuster, January 2001. Excerpted in Fitness magazine and Woman’s Day. Rodale Book Club selection.
Ghostwriter: Book on maintaining a healthy body for life for a major publishing house. 1998.
Ghostwriter: A compendium for the New York Times bestselling diet book for a major publishing house. 1996.
thepolar The Polar Fat-Free and Fit Forever Program. Co-author with James M. Rippe, MD. New York: Fireside Books, 1994.
rockport  The Rockport Walking Program. Co-author with James M. Rippe, MD, and Ann Ward, PhD. New York: Fireside Books, 1989. Doubleday Book Club selection. Excerpted in Woman’s Day.
fats The Changing Face of Edible Fats and Cooking Oils. New York: Packaged Facts. 2002.


Health & Psychology


chronicFatigue Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for Dummies.Co-author with Susan Lisman, M.D., Minneapolis, MN: Wiley Publishers, September 2007.
Ghostwriter: Book on living with multiple sclerosis for a major medical publishing house. 2003
Baby Boomer's Guide to health The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Women’s Health: Living Great the next 50 Years. Birmingham, AL: HealthSouth Press, 2001.
braininjury Living With Brain Injury: A Guide for Families. Second Edition. Co-author with Richard C. Senelick, MD. Birmingham, AL: HealthSouth Press, 2001.
The Ringing in Your Ears is Not All in Your Head: Hope and Help for Tinnitus, Ménière’s Disease, Hyperacusis, “Swimmer’s Ear” and Other Life-Clogging Ear Aches. Santa Clara, CA:, 2001.
beyondPlease Beyond Please and Thank You: The Disability Sensitivity Handbook for Families, Co-Workers, and Friends. Co-author with Richard C. Senelick, MD. Birmingham, AL: HealthSouth Press, 2001. (A study guide edition for use in schools and community centers published at the same time.)
61qcGROEfzL._SL500_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ Living with Stroke: A Guide for Families. Revised Edition. Co-author with Richard C. Senelick, MD, and Peter W. Rossi, MD. New York/Chicago: NTC/Contemporary Books, 1999. (Third Edition published by HealthSouth Press, 2001.)
The Spinal Cord Injury Handbook for Patients and Their Families, Co-author with Richard C. Senelick, MD. Birmingham, AL: HealthSouth Press, 1998.
firstaid The Complete Idiot’s Guide to First Aid. Co-author with Stephen J. Rosenberg, MD. New York: Alpha Books, 1997. Trade paperback and mass market editions.
Ghostwriter: A book about recovering from traumatic brain injury for a major publishing house. 1992.
Ghostwriter: A book about post-traumatic shock syndrome for a major publishing house. 1989. Literary Guild selection.




Ghostwriter: A book about adolescent disorders for a major publishing house. 1991.
Ghostwriter: A book about designing a family contract for a major publishing house. 1990.
Ghostwriter: A book about adolescent depression for a major publishing house. 1989.
pregnancy guide Your Day-to-Day Pregnancy Diary. New York: Signet, 1983.


Popular Culture


lastingmarriage The Essential Guide to Lasting Marriage. Co-author with Martin Tashman, Ph.D. New York: Viking Press. To be published 2011.
dating90 Playing the Personals: Dating in the Nineties. Co-author with Claudia Beakman. New York: Pocket Books, 1995. Excerpted in Cosmopolitan Magazine.
 sleek chic Sleek Chic: Head-to-Toe Fashion Strategies for Fixing Figure Flaws. Co-author with Tracey Hensler. New York: Perigee Books, 1988.
 divorcing corporation Divorcing a Corporation: How to Know When – and if – a Job Change is Right for You. Co-author with Jacqueline Plumez, PhD. New York: Villard Books, 1986. Book-of-the-Month Club and Fortune Book Club selections.
Researcher: Illustrated book about fashion from prehistoric times to the present for a major publisher. 1991.


Fine Art


 bottcelli Botticelli. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
 klee Klee. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
 klimt Klimt. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
 modigliani Modigliani. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
 pissaro Pissarro. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
 rembrandt Rembrandt. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.
renoir Renoir. Rewritten for Gramercy Great Masters Series. New York: Gramercy Books, 1994.

Young Adult


jealousy Jealousy: The Green-Eyed Monster. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2002.
Stop the Silence: Teenagers and AIDS in the 21st Century. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2002.
rulescool The Rules to be Cool: Etiquette and Netiquette. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, June 2001.
ghostStories Real Life Ghost Stories.St. Petersburg, FL: Willowisp Press, 1994.
Jewish holidays The Willowisp Book of Jewish Holidays.St. Petersburg, FL: Willowisp Press, 1992.